Tuesday, December 1, 2009

why there is no water on mars while the earth have plenty of water?

unlike the mars, earth have many hot water springs-scientist.g.ponmudi

Thursday, November 19, 2009

my humble reply to a email question asked by an Engineer

question You stated that the continents are "rising." I am not sure what you meant by this. Rising in relation to the sea floor?

for me the marine fossils that frequently found on all continents indicates that all the present day continents had once been under the ocean.later raised to the present height.(10,000feet)

further the ancient sea level was 10,000 feet lower when compared with the present level.

later raised to the present height.

for example the Kerguelen submerged plateau which lie two kilo meter under the surface of the Indian ocean contain wood fossils.

this indicate the ancient low sea level.

further to state that earthworms are totally incapable for crossing wide ocean.

the fragile skin of the earthworm can not with stand sun light,and when it exposed to air the earthworm soon lost it body fluid.it can not stick to any lighter object such as leaf to be carried by wind.yet earthworms reached remote islands such as the Kerguelen island.this indicate that the ancient 10,000 feet low sea level.and this is the same reason why wood fossils found on the central regeion of the submerged Kerguelen plateaue.



Friday, November 13, 2009

Earthquakes are caused while volcanoes rise up. scientist.g.ponmudi

Earthquakes often occur in the volcanic islands like, New Zealand , Indonesia , Philippines , Japan and Aleutian which surround the Pacific Ocean and on the land surfaces of Oregon , California , Mexico , Peru and Chile .

At present, there are five hundred and sixty two active volcanoes in the volcanic islands which surround the Pacific Ocean and on the land areas!

In the year 2004, within a span of ten days, Oregon City in North America experienced tremors more than six hundred times. Similarly in the year 2005, within a fortnight the earth tremors were experienced more than thousand times.

In the year 1981, a research team headed by Dr. Robert Empley conducted a survey in which 300 miles away from the sea shore of Oregon near the ocean floor and discovered that a large amount of minerals were dissolved in the water. At that time there were no volcanoes found in that area.

But, later after nine years in 1989, within the area of ten miles, ten new volcanoes were discovered by the research team!

Hence, it is proved that the rising of volcanoes from the land results in earthquakes.

But, Researchers give a different explanation for the earthquakes that occur in Japan , which is situated on the north western part of the Pacific Ocean .

Researchers are under the opinion that the floor of the Pacific Ocean is constantly moving towards north western direction. While the floor of the Pacific Ocean is moving thus, it slides just below Japan , causing the rocky plates to brush against each other and this results in tremors.

Researchers, who are of the opinion that the floor of the Pacific Ocean is constantly moving towards north western direction, point out to the line of volcanic islands of Hawaii which are situated on the pacific sea floor in the north western -south eastern direction ,to prove their statement.

The Researchers are of the opinion that in one part of the Pacific Ocean region, the molten rock material found inside the earth gushed out to form a volcano. At the same time, as the floor of the ocean was moving towards north western direction, the volcano too moved along with it. While the sea floor was thus moving, in the area which came above the volcanic hot spot where a volcano was already formed, a new volcano emerged and kept moving in north western direction. This has been repeated several times and resulted in the formation of numerous volcanoes towards the south eastern direction.

But, in reality the floor of the Pacific Ocean is still in its original position only!

Another row of volcanic islands known as Line Islands are found at a distance of one thousand miles south of the volcanic islands of Hawaii.

As stated by Researchers if the floor of the Pacific Ocean was moving towards north western direction, the volcanic Line Islands found near the volcanic islands of Hawaii should be situated parallel to the volcanic islands of Hawaii .

But, the volcanic Line Islands are not parallel to the volcanic islands of Hawaii .

Line Islands deviate slightly and are away from the islands of Hawaii .

So, it is proved by the line of islands which are situated in different directions, that the floor of the Pacific Ocean is not moving as stated by Researchers.

Hence, the frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the volcanic islands of New Zealand , Indonesia , Philippines and Japan is only due to the occasional rising of volcanoes and the land area which surrounds them.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

the earthquakes that occurred on the pacific ocean floor caused by the rising of volcanoes-scientist.g.ponmudi.

The pacific ocean floor is a stationary earth crust with many chain of volcanic islands formed in many different direction.

it should be noted that the volcanic islands are formed as magma under the sea floor pierced through the sea floor and rising upward above the sea level.

but some researchers especially who believe that all continents and sea floor are moving on the earth surface, mentioned the volcanic chains island that formed on the pacific sea floor, as a evidence for the drifting of the sea floor in the north west direction.

but the Hawaii island chains not formed on a straight line on the pacific sea floor,and has a 60* bend.to explain the 60*bend in the hawaii island chain, researchers stated that the pacific sea floor has changed the direction of movement 43 million years ago.

but other islands chains such as the line islands of the central pacific ocean that formed with the Hawaii islands did not have the 60* bend.

if the pacific ocean actually moved and changed the direction of the movement, then all the volcanic islands which were formed along with the Hawaii islands should have the 60*degree bend.

and the direction of the island chain should be parallel with the Hawaii volcanic island chain.

but the line islands which are formed at the central regeion of the pacific ocean floor ,which is located just thousand miles south of the Hawaii volcanic island chains, unparallelled to the Hawaii volcanic island chains,

the unparallelled volcanic island chains of the pacific ocean floor proved that the pacific sea floor is a stationary one and did not moving in any direction.

therefore the earthquaked that occurred on the pacific ocean floor is due to the rising of volcanoes only.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Earthquakes are caused by rising of rocks-scientist.g.ponmudi.

Earthquakes are caused by rising of rocks.scientist.g.ponmudi.

Earthquakes are caused by rising of rocks-scientist.g.ponmudi.

Earthquakes are caused by rising of rocks.scientist.g.ponmudi.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Continents are nothing but raised earth crust.

Continents are nothing but raised earth crust up to ten thousand feets.(the average depth of the ocean)-scientist.g.ponmudi.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rising of rock formed mountains-scientist.g.ponmudi

Rising of rock formed mountains-scientist.g.ponmudi

Friday, October 23, 2009

when magma get cooled and solidified to form rock,the volume of the rock increased-scientist.g.ponmudi.

when magma get cooled and solidified to form rock,the volume of the rock increased-scientist.g.ponmudi.

when magma get cooled and solidified to form rock,the volume of the rock increased-scientist.g.ponmudi.

when magma get cooled and solidified to form rock,the volume of the rock increased-scientist.g.ponmudi.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dear editor,

I submit to state that i have discovered that continents are not drifting,but rising.

the rocky plates of the earth are continuously rising.continents and islands are rising.

Due to this rising of rocky plates, earthquakes and tsunami are caused.

seismic data suport my discovery.

please click on the following line for viewing the picture.

Image: Global seismicity map of all magnitudes.

picture # 1, http://denali.gsfc.nasa.gov/dtam/images/global.gif

picture # 2,Plate Tectonic Global Map from NASA.

please click on the following line for viewing the picture.

Plate Tectonic Global Map <http://denali.gsfc.nasa.gov/dtam/images/schematic_map.jpg> from NASA.* *

(image courtesy nasa)

Subject: Discovery: The rocky plates of the earth are continuously rising. Due to this rising of these rocky plates, earthquakes and tsunami are caused.


After the 26-12-2006 earthquake in the island of Sumatra, which gave rise to the tsunami, the island of Simeulue which is at close proximity to Sumatra had risen up to three feet.

Three months later, following that earthquake, on 28-03-2005 there was another earthquake and the island of Simeulue was found to have risen up to six feet. A milder version of tsunami was also experienced at that time. Apart from that, surrounding the island of Simeulue , for about three hundred kilometers, the once submerged sea flora was visible on the surface of the water. The media had given a large coverage with photographs of this phenomenon.

Based on this, I had already stated in my research article published in Tamil Dailies, that earthquake and tsunami were caused due to the rising of the rocky plates below the island of Simeulue . Now, my discovery has been scientifically proved.

Why do rocky plates rise?

When hot gases and steam are eliminated from the molten rock material inside the earth, rocky plates of lesser density are formed from the molten rock of higher density.

I had explained that as substances with lesser density have the tendency to float on liquids with higher density, the rocky plates with lesser density formed from the molten rock with higher density rose upwards resulting in the rising of the island of Simeulue .

The explanation of researchers for the rising of the island of Simeulue

But, researchers were of a different opinion regarding the rising of the island of Simeulue .

Researchers had explained that India and the continent of Australia are situated on a large rocky plate called the Indo – Australian rocky plate which is moving in the north eastern direction. During the movement of the Indo – Australian rocky plate in this direction, its front edge got inserted below the rocky plate of Burma and this resulted in the 26-12-2004 earthquake and tsunami.

Researchers specifically state that, thirteen crores of years ago India , the continent of Australia and Antarctica were fused together at the South Pole. Later, India and the continent of Australia got detached from the continent of Antarctica and moved towards their present day location.

Researchers had stated that the movement of continents was the result of the separation and movement of the rocky plates below the continents.

At present India and the continent of Australia are situated five thousand kilometers apart!

According to researchers if it has to be believed that, thirteen crores of years ago India, Australia and the continent of Antarctica had been fused together in the South Pole region, and later were separated and are at present at a distance of five thousand kilometers away from each other, definitely these landscapes should have been situated on two different rocky plates.

If it had not been so and had been on a single rocky plate, there is no possibility of them existing five thousand kilometers away from each other.

But unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence to prove that India and the continent of Australia which are at present at a distance of five thousand kilometers away from each other are situated on two different rocky plates.

Picture proof released by NASA

The American Space Research Center NASA, had released a world map showing the epicenters of all the 3,58,214 earthquakes which occurred from the year 1963 to 1998 (Picture – 1) and a map prepared by the researchers of NASA, which was supposed to be the boundaries plates of the continents (Picture – 2).

In that map, it has been recorded that earthquakes had occurred continuously as if a line had been drawn surrounding the continents. Researchers are referring to this region as the boundaries of the continents. (Picture- 1)

But, on the map showing the occurrence of earthquakes released by NASA, (Picture -1) surrounding the continent of Africa as if a line had been drawn, earthquakes had occurred continuously. Based on this, geologists state that Africa is situated on a single rocky plate.

But, on the same map, it can be seen that earthquakes had not occurred in continuity in between India and the continent of Australia .

. Based on this and the world map released by NASA which is supposed be the boundaries of the continents (Picture – 2), researchers of NASA have stated that they cannot definitely state as to what is happening on the sea bed between India and the continent of Australia . (See the note below Picture-2).

So, there is no basic evidence to prove that India and the continent of Australia are situated on two different rocky plates.

Hence, there is no basic proof for the researcher’s statement that the earthquake and tsunami in the island of Sumatra on 26-12-2004, were caused as the Indian rocky plate’s front edge got inserted below the rocky plate of Burma .

Due to the rising of the rocky plates, the island of Simeulue suddenly rose and earthquake and tsunami occurred.

So my discovery is that, only due to the rising of the rocky plates, the island of Simeulue also rose and earthquake and tsunami occurred on 26-12-2004 gets proved by the map showing the occurrence of earthquakes all over the world.

No proof for the drifting movement of the islands

Moreover, researchers state that the island of Madagascar which is in the Indian Ocean was fused with the continent of Africa sixteen crores of years ago and was later separated from Africa and still continues to move.

But, on the map showing the occurrence of earthquakes released by NASA, (Picture -1) earthquakes had occurred continuously surrounding the Arabian plateau. But, there had been no continuous earthquakes between the continent of Africa and the island of Madagascar .

This justifies that the island of Madagascar is not situated on a single rocky plate. So, there is no solid proof for the statement of researchers that many crores of years ago the island of Madagascar got detached from the continent of Africa and is still continuing to move.

But the fossils of dinosaurs that lived six and a half crores of years ago have been discovered on the island of Madagascar . The island of Madagascar is located at a distance of four hundred kilometers away from the continent of Africa . Moreover, in between the island of Madagascar and the continent of Africa lies the Mozambique Sea , which is of two kilometer depth. Dinosaurs would not have crossed this deep area by swimming across the sea.

Hence, it gets proved that six and a half crores of years ago the level of the sea had been two kilometers lower than now. As the level of the sea had been two kilometers lower dinosaurs would have used the connecting land area to migrate from Africa to the island of Madagascar .

When the molten rock material inside the earth gets cooled and hardens to form new rocky plates, the water which gets eliminated from the molten rock gets mixed with the sea water through deep sea hot water springs and the level of the sea keeps rising.

But, on the map showing the occurrence of earthquakes released by NASA, (Picture -1) there had been no continuous earthquakes between the continents of North America and South America .

So, there is no solid proof for stating that many crores of years ago all the continents remained fused together and in due course got detached and are moving away from each other continuously.

No solid proof to state that continents are moving continuously

As the fossils of sea fauna and flora are seen scattered all over the continents, it proves that many crores of years ago all the continents had remained submerged in the oceans and have now risen up above the sea level.

Article 1,

The Islands of Indonesia are continuously rising.

Soon after Tsunami, which killed more than two and a half lakhs of people and had originated from the island, Sumatra, it was found out that, after the earthquake the north western part of the island simeulue, which was in that region had risen about three feet high above sea level.

On account of this, a new shore had formed on the north western part of the island. In addition to that; the sea sponges which were on the sea bed were visible above the sea level!Three months after the earthquake on 26th December, 2004, another quake occurred on 28th March 2005 after which simeulue was found to be four feet above sea level. Apart from this, for an area of about three hundred kilometers, sea sponges which are normally found below the sea could be seen from all visible areas!

Why did the island rise four feet above sea level ?

As the molten rock keeps cooling gradually, the rocky plates that are formed at different levels are of less thickness and density and they keep rising continuously.The main reason is that, when the molten rock cools, the water and hot gases get released and the rocky plates that are formed are of lesser thickness than the magma in which they formed.

Water has a higher density and the ice cubes formed from it have a lower density and they tend to float on water Likewise, the molten rock material which has a higher density produces rocky plates which have a lower density and these move above sea level and form islands.When new plates are produced by the molten rock material, they start moving upwards thereby pushing the plates which were already formed.

The plates suddenly start rising upwards due to intense pressure.Similar to the ripples that are formed and expanded when a plate of water is hit at the centre from below with a finger, when the island simeulue, which was found in the central part of the Indian Ocean suddenly rose up, the water was pushed aside in all directions and only this resulted in Tsunami.The frequent occurrences of earthquakes and Tsunami in Indonesia are only due to the sudden rising of the islands.

But, the geologists have come up with a different explanation for the earthquakes which occur there.

They say that, about six and a half crores of years ago, India was an island on the southern part of the equator. It moved slowly towards north and collided with Asia about five crores of years ago and it is still continuing its movement.

The geologists also opine that due to this movement, when the indo-Australian plate suddenly went below the Burmese plate on December 26th, 2004, an earthquake occurred.

There is no truth in what they say because even six and a half crores of years ago India had been part of Asia in the same place as it is found now.

The fossils of mammals which lived in Asia six and a half years ago have been excavated in the form of bones by Professor Ashok Sahani of Punjab University and Professor G.V.R. Prasad of Jammu University in the village of Naskal at Andhra Pradesh and they prove that the above statement is true

So, as per the researchers’ opinion, India had not been an island on the southern part of the equator about six and a half crores of years agoSo, it is proved that even six and a half crores of years ago India had been part of Asia in the same place as it is found now and is not moving in the north eastern direction.

Therefore the indo-Australian plate did not go suddenly below the Burmese plate. So the earth quakes on 26 -12 -2004 and 28 – 3 -2005 and the Tsunami are only the result of the rising of the island, simeulue, above its original level.

Article 2.

Why did the island of Java alone experience earthquake on 2009-09-02 ? On 2009-09-02

The earthquake which was of 7.3 on the Richter scale and shook Java, one of the islands in the group of Indonesian islands, claimed 75 lives. The explanation given by geologists is that, India and Australia are found on a huge rocky plate, which is moving in the northern direction and sliding below the rocky plate on which the group of Indonesian islands is situated and rubbing against it. This is the root cause of earthquakes.

But why did the island of Java alone experience earthquake on 2009-09-02 ?

Why didn’t the island of Sumatra or the island of Andaman experience earthquake on 2009-09-02 ?

How is it possible for the Indo-Australian rocky plate to slide only below the island of Java alone?

How is it possible for the Indo-Australian rocky plate to slide below different islands on different days?

What is the real reason behind the striking of earthquakes in different islands of the Indonesian islands on different days?

Volcanoes result in earthquakes.

There are one hundred and thirty volcanoes in the Indonesian islands. When the molten rock material in these volcanoes cools down and hardens to form rocks, hot gases and water are released from it. This produces rocks of lesser density from high density molten rock.

A thing of lesser density will float in a liquid of higher density. Hence, when the newly formed rocks of lesser density in the volcanoes below the Indonesian islands rise upwards their edges rub against the edges of the nearby rocky plates, resulting in earthquakes on that particular island alone .

chain of volcanoes are the reason for the circum pacific region earthquakes

circum pacific earthquake -the ring of volcanoes

but researchers Researchers had stated that the movement of the pacific ocean floor is responsible for earthquake.this explanation is wrong. in the world earthquakes map there is no dividing line between the Hawaii and the Samoa islands.so therefore there is no evidence to say that the pacific ocean floor is moving.if the pacific ocean floor is moving then both the islands of Hawaii and Samoa experience earthquake at the same time.but in reality only the Hawaii island experience 2000 earthquakes per year,while the Tahiti island experience earthquake occasionally which is alos a volcanic island.

therefore i conclude that the formation of new low density rock layers under the volcanic islands; the rising of rock layers and the rubbing of rock layers is the only reason for the earthquake,

Ring of fire-Ring of volcanoes.

there are 452 volcanoes found all along the circum pacific ring of fire.therefore only the volcanic activity is the only reason for the earthquakes occurred in the pacific region.

and there is no evidence for the so called plates movement.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hydrothermal vents and Himalayan region earthquakes

Hydrothermal vents and cooling of magma is responsible for the Himalayan region earthquakes.scientist.g.ponmudi.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Discovery: The rocky plates of the earth are continuously rising. Due to this rising of these rocky plates, earthquakes and tsunami are caused.


Scientist, G.Ponmudi

Chennai – 600 034.

The Editor,
Daily, Weekly and Monthly magazines,


Subject: Discovery: The rocky plates of the earth are continuously rising. Due to this rising of these rocky plates, earthquakes and tsunami are caused.


After the 26-12-2006 earthquake in the island of Sumatra, which gave rise to the tsunami, the island of Simeulue which is at close proximity to Sumatra had risen up to three feet.

Three months later, following that earthquake, on 28-03-2005 there was another earthquake and the island of Simeulue was found to have risen up to six feet. A milder version of tsunami was also experienced at that time. Apart from that, surrounding the island of Simeulue , for about three hundred kilometers, the once submerged sea flora was visible on the surface of the water. The media had given a large coverage with photographs of this phenomenon.

Based on this, I had already stated in my research article published in dailies, that earthquake and tsunami were caused due to the rising of the rocky plates below the island of Simeulue . Now, my discovery has been scientifically proved.

Why do rocky plates rise?

When hot gases and steam are eliminated from the molten rock material inside the earth, rocky plates of lesser density are formed from the molten rock of higher density.

I had explained that as substances with lesser density have the tendency to float on liquids with higher density, the rocky plates with lesser density formed from the molten rock with higher density rose upwards resulting in the rising of the island of Simeulue .

The explanation of researchers for the rising of the island of Simeulue

But, researchers were of a different opinion regarding the rising of the island of Simeulue .

Researchers had explained that India and the continent of Australia are situated on a large rocky plate called the Indo – Australian rocky plate which is moving in the north eastern direction. During the movement of the Indo – Australian rocky plate in this direction, its front edge got inserted below the rocky plate of Burma and this resulted in the 26-12-2004 earthquake and tsunami.

Researchers specifically state that, thirteen crores of years ago India , the continent of Australia and Antarctica were fused together at the South Pole. Later, India and the continent of Australia got detached from the continent of Antarctica and moved towards their present day location.

Researchers had stated that the movement of continents was the result of the separation and movement of the rocky plates below the continents.

At present India and the continent of Australia are situated five thousand kilometers apart!

According to researchers if it has to be believed that, thirteen crores of years ago India, Australia and the continent of Antarctica had been fused together in the South Pole region, and later were separated and are at present at a distance of five thousand kilometers away from each other, definitely these landscapes should have been situated on two different rocky plates.

If it had not been so and had been on a single rocky plate, there is no possibility of them existing five thousand kilometers away from each other.

But unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence to prove that India and the continent of Australia which are at present at a distance of five thousand kilometers away from each other are situated on two different rocky plates.

Picture proof released by NASA

The American Space Research Center NASA, had released a world map showing the epicenters of all the 3,58,214 earthquakes which occurred from the year 1963 to 1998 (Picture – 1) and a map prepared by the researchers of NASA, which was supposed to be the boundaries plates of the continents (Picture – 2).

In that map, it has been recorded that earthquakes had occurred continuously as if a line had been drawn surrounding the continents. Researchers are referring to this region as the boundaries of the continents. (Picture- 1)

But, on the map showing the occurrence of earthquakes released by NASA, (Picture -1) surrounding the continent of Africa as if a line had been drawn, earthquakes had occurred continuously. Based on this, geologists state that Africa is situated on a single rocky plate.

But, on the same map, it can be seen that earthquakes had not occurred in continuity in between India and the continent of Australia .

. Based on this and the world map released by NASA which is supposed be the boundaries of the continents (Picture – 2), researchers of NASA have stated that they cannot definitely state as to what is happening on the sea bed between India and the continent of Australia . (See the note below Picture-2).

So, there is no basic evidence to prove that India and the continent of Australia are situated on two different rocky plates.

Hence, there is no basic proof for the researcher’s statement that the earthquake and tsunami in the island of Sumatra on 26-12-2004, were caused as the Indian rocky plate’s front edge got inserted below the rocky plate of Burma .

Due to the rising of the rocky plates, the island of Simeulue suddenly rose and earthquake and tsunami occurred.

So my discovery is that, only due to the rising of the rocky plates, the island of Simeulue also rose and earthquake and tsunami occurred on 26-12-2004 gets proved by the map showing the occurrence of earthquakes all over the world.

No proof for the drifting movement of the islands

Moreover, researchers state that the island of Madagascar which is in the Indian Ocean was fused with the continent of Africa sixteen crores of years ago and was later separated from Africa and still continues to move.

But, on the map showing the occurrence of earthquakes released by NASA, (Picture -1) earthquakes had occurred continuously surrounding the Arabian plateau. But, there had been no continuous earthquakes between the continent of Africa and the island of Madagascar .

This justifies that the island of Madagascar is not situated on a single rocky plate. So, there is no solid proof for the statement of researchers that many crores of years ago the island of Madagascar got detached from the continent of Africa and is still continuing to move.

But the fossils of dinosaurs that lived six and a half crores of years ago have been discovered on the island of Madagascar . The island of Madagascar is located at a distance of four hundred kilometers away from the continent of Africa . Moreover, in between the island of Madagascar and the continent of Africa lies the Mozambique Sea , which is of two kilometer depth. Dinosaurs would not have crossed this deep area by swimming across the sea.

Hence, it gets proved that six and a half crores of years ago the level of the sea had been two kilometers lower than now. As the level of the sea had been two kilometers lower dinosaurs would have used the connecting land area to migrate from Africa to the island of Madagascar .

When the molten rock material inside the earth gets cooled and hardens to form new rocky plates, the water which gets eliminated from the molten rock gets mixed with the sea water through deep sea hot water springs and the level of the sea keeps rising.

But, on the map showing the occurrence of earthquakes released by NASA, (Picture -1) there had been no continuous earthquakes between the continents of North America and South America .

So, there is no solid proof for stating that many crores of years ago all the continents remained fused together and in due course got detached and are moving away from each other continuously.

No solid proof to state that continents are moving continuously

As the fossils of sea fauna and flora are seen scattered all over the continents, it proves that many crores of years ago all the continents had remained submerged in the oceans and have now risen up above the sea level.

Friday, October 2, 2009

why earthquake frequently occcured in the volcanic and hydrothermal regeion?

earthquake frequently occcured in the volcanic and hydrothermal regeion because these regeions are cooling regeions,

through the emmision of the volcanic gas and water the molten rock lie beneath the earth crust get cooled and solidified quickly.this resulted in the formation of new low density rock layers.which then rsing upward fron the high density magma.

as the low density rock layers formed as a result of the releasing of hot gasses rising upward and as they do so,the edges of the rising rock layers rubbing with the edges of the surounding rock layers which caused the earth surface tremble.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

All earthquakes are caused by rising of rock layers.scientist.g.ponmudi.

All earthquakes are caused by rising of rock layers.scientist.g.ponmudi.

Friday, September 25, 2009

volcanic activity is the only reason for all earthquakes.

continents are not moving,volcanic activity is the only reason for all earthquakes.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

it is not correct to say that the india and the australian continent seated on a single rock plate called as the indo australian plate.

It is not correct to say that the India and the Australian continent seated on a single rock plate called as the Indo-Australian plate.which is also said to be moving in the northeastern direction.

the researchers also has said that the India and the Australian continent was attached with the Antarctic continent before twenty million years.

(but now the distance between the India and the Australian continents is five thousand feet.)
but Antarctica is located eight thousand kilometer south of india,but two thousand and five hundred kilo meter south of the australian continent.

then how it is possible the two land masses can seated on a single rock plate all along the so called journey?with out tearing apart?.how the single rock plate moving in the northeastern direction at the same time the distance between the two land mass increased up to five thousand kilometers.

therfore it is not correct to say that the two land masses were once attached as one continent.scientist.g.ponmudi

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How mountains are formed?-scientist.g.ponmudi.

Mountains are formed as a result of rising of low density rock layers which formed in the high density molten rock.

When the molten rock material under the earth surface cools down and hardens to form rocks, hot gases and water are released from it. This produces rocks of lesser density from high density molten rock.

A thing of lesser density will float in a liquid of higher density.

Hence, when the newly formed rocks of lesser density in the high density molten rock below the Indonesian islands rise upwards to form the mountains.

for example cyprus is an island in the mediteranean sea.
at the center of the island a huge mountain range calles as troodos mountains are formed.

in the same manner all the mountains were formed.

it is not correct ot say that mountains are formed as aresult of collision of land surface.

Cyprus is the Mediterranean's third largest island and situated in the eastern par of the Mediterranean sea,south of Turkey and west of Syris and Lebanon.

it should be noted that a magnitude of 4.4 earthquake struck the island on Wed Sep 16, 2009 ,near the south coast.

this proved that the rising of island resulted in earthquakes.

Monday, September 14, 2009

All earthquakes are caused by volcanic activity-scientist.g.ponmudi.

All earthquakes are caused by volcanic activity

Friday, September 11, 2009

earthquakes are caused by volcanic activity -scientist.g.ponmudi.

Scientist G. Ponmudi
Chennai – 600 034,

Dear sir/madam,

I, Scientist G. Ponmudi humbly wish to inform you the following:

Why did the island of Java alone experience earthquake on 2009-09-02 ?

On 2009-09-02 the earthquake which was of 7.3 on the Richter scale and shook Java, one of the islands in the group of Indonesian islands, claimed 75 lives.

The explanation given by researchers is that, India and Australia are found on a huge rocky plate, which is moving in the northern direction and sliding below the rocky plate on which the group of Indonesian islands is situated and rubbing against it. This is the root cause of earthquakes.

But why did the island of Java alone experience earthquake on 2009-09-02 ?

Why didn’t the island of Sumatra or the island of Andaman experience earthquake on 2009-09-02 ?

How is it possible for the Indo-Australian rocky plate to slide only below the island of Java alone?

How is it possible for the Indo-Australian rocky plate to slide below different islands on different days?

What is the real reason behind the striking of earthquakes in different islands of the Indonesian islands on different days?

Volcanoes result in earthquakes.

There are one hundred and thirty volcanoes in the Indonesian islands.

When the molten rock material in these volcanoes cools down and hardens to form rocks, hot gases and water are released from it. This produces rocks of lesser density from high density molten rock.

A thing of lesser density will float in a liquid of higher density.

Hence, when the newly formed rocks of lesser density in the volcanoes below the Indonesian islands rise upwards their edges rub against the edges of the nearby rocky plates, resulting in earthquakes on that particular island alone.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

continents are rising.scientist.g.ponmudi.

dear sir,

I have discovered that all the continents were once lie under the ocean but nor rised to the present level.

the scientific basis for my discovery is presence of marine fossils on the continents.


earthquakes in indonesian island is caused by the volcanoes.

Dear sir,

whatever the magnitude,the epicenter of the December 2004 earthquake is northern Sumatra.

similarly the epicenter of the Sept 2009 is java island.

therefore i conclude that earthquakes in indonesian island is caused by the volcanoes.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Why did the island of Java alone experience earthquake on 02-09-09?

Press release

Scientist G. Ponmudi

Dear editor,

I, Scientist G. Ponmudi humbly wish to inform you the following:

Why did the island of Java alone experience earthquake on 02-09-09?

On 02-09-09 the earthquake which was of 7.3 on the Richter scale and shook Java, one of the islands in the group of Indonesian islands, claimed 75 lives.

The explanation given by geologists is that, India and Australia are found on a huge rocky plate, which is moving in the northern direction and sliding below the rocky plate on which the group of Indonesian islands is situated and rubbing against it. This is the root cause of earthquakes.

But why did the island of Java alone experience earthquake on 02-09-09?

Why didn’t the island of Sumatra or the island of Andaman experience earthquake on 02-09-09?

How is it possible for the Indo-Australian rocky plate to slide only below the island of Java alone?

How is it possible for the Indo-Australian rocky plate to slide below different islands on different days?

What is the real reason behind the striking of earthquakes in different islands of the Indonesian islands on different days?

Volcanoes result in earthquakes.

There are one hundred and thirty volcanoes in the Indonesian islands.

When the molten rock material in these volcanoes cools down and hardens to form rocks, hot gases and water are released from it. This produces rocks of lesser density from high density molten rock.

A thing of lesser density will float in a liquid of higher density.

Hence, when the newly formed rocks of lesser density in the volcanoes below the Indonesian islands rise upwards their edges rub against the edges of the nearby rocky plates, resulting in earthquakes on that particular island alone.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Your logical explanation for rising of continent is acceptable,

Dear Dr. Ponmudi
I read your article, it quite impressiveYour logical explanation for rising of continent is acceptable, but I dohave following doubts. Can you explain the same?1) If earthquake are happing due to rising of continent, can you proveby any means? (may be with rising level and earthquake numbers andmagnitudes)2) When earthquake are happing due to rising of continent, how can weforecast the same for building design?3) Why these earthquake magnitudes are not similar for same continentinterior?
I like to read your prereviewed and published journal papers on thistopic. Particularly earthquake due to rising of continent. If you havemore information on this topic sends to me. So that we will refer for myhazard analysis study.
Check my web page: xxxxxxxxIf you are interested any of them for joint work or project, mail to me.
Thanks and RegardsAnbu

Dear Dr,Anbazhagan,
Good question,i will try to answer,
first i am not a doctor,scientist is my courtey title.
An earthquake is caused by the rubbing of the edges of the newly formed rising of low density rock layers with the edges of the surrounding rock layers,

molten rock from which the low density rock layers are formed by gradual cooling is found under the earth surface at different depth and at different temperature.

the temperature of the molten rock determined the formation of the volume of the rock.this in turn determine the manitude of the earthquake while rising and rubbing wiht the surounding rock layers.

similarly the depth of the molten rock alos a determining factor,for example if new rock layers are formed at deep in to the earth, then the weight of the older rock wiil prevent the rising of the newly formed rock layers.in this case the rising of rock occure slowly therfore the magnitude of the earthquake will be small.

eventhough the rising of rock layers is prevented by the weight of th older rock layers,the cooling and the formation will not be affected therfore the formation of new low density rock layers will continue to form,as this process contiued the upward pressure will be increased then due to the accumulation of the prolonged pressure or stress high magnitude eathquake can occure.-


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

researchers has said that the pacific ocean floor is moving in the northwest direction.

the Hawaii islands chain was formed as a result of penetration of plume while the ocean floor moved.

but there are some other island chain in the Pacific region is in different direction for which no one can explain.Why?

whenever earthquake rocked Hawaii island ,researchers attributed the so called plate motion.for example on 15 Th October 2006 a powerful 8.3 quake rocked Hawaii.

similarly on 3 rd August 1998 a 5.5 quake rocked the Tahiti island which is situated in the middle of the south pacific ocean.the island is not situated in any of the plate boundary region.

but Tahiti experienced earthquake.it should be noted that on that day there is no report of earthquake in Hawaii !.Why?it should be noted Hawaii also situated on the same pacific ocean floor.
this proved that the pacific ocean floor is stationary.

therefore the earthquake that occur ed in the circum pacific region is due to the volcanic activity.

the cooling volcanic liquid rock produced low density rock which tend to raise upward causing earth quake.that's why earthquake occur ed in that region in different places in different days.
There is no mid Atlantic mountain like structure in the Pacific region,

yet researchers has said that pacific floor moving in north west direction,

continents are drifting,if we Conveniently ignored the facts.
